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AP and TS 10th class biology important questions 2020 - chapter-03 (TRANSPORTATION)



1. What is root pressure? How it is useful to the plants?

  1.  Root pressure is osmotic pressure within the cells of a root system that causes sap to rise through a plant stem to the leaves.
  2. Root pressure develops due to the absorption of water by roots and pushes the water upwards by a few meters and is enough to supply water to leaves in small plants and small trees.
  3. Root pressure provides a modest push in the overall process of water transport. 
  4. They obviously do not play a major role in water movements up tall trees.
  5. The greatest contribution of root pressure may be to re-establish the continuous chains of water molecules in the xylem.
  6. Root pressure does not account for the majority of water transport.

2. Explain an experiment to understand root pressure.

root pressure
Root pressure

AIM: To understand the root pressure.

Materials required: Potted plant, glass tube

    1. A potted plant is watered regularly.
    2. A cut is made on the stem of the potted plants 1 cm above the ground level.
    3. A glass tube is connected by means of a strong rubber tube. The size of the glass tube should be equal to the size of the stem.
    4. The stem is tightly bound with a tube so that water cannot escape from the tube.
    5. Water is poured in the glass tube until the water level is seen above the rubber tube. The level of water is marked M1 in the tube.
    6. The whole experiment is kept undisturbed for 2 or 3 hours.
    7. The water level in the is observed and marked (M2).
observations: Water level increases from M1 to M2.

Inference: Pressure in the xylem vessels made the movement of water from root hair to xylem vessels through the root cells. Pressure forces the water upward. This total pressure is known as root pressure.

3. What is cardiac cycle? How does it occur?

  1. The sequential events in the heart which are cyclically repeated are called cardiac cycle.
  2. The cardiac cycle includes an active phase systole and a resting phase the diastole of atria and ventricles.
  3.  The contraction phase of the heartbeat is called systole and the relaxation phase of heartbeat is diastole.
  4. The whole process of the cardiac cycle is completed in approximately 0.8 seconds.
  5. The time needed for atrial contraction is 0.11- 0.14.
  6. The time needed for ventricular contraction is 0.27-0.35.

4. Describe the internal sources of heart with the help of a neat diagram.

internal structure of heart
internal structure of heart.

  1. Internally heart is divided into four parts by grooves.
  2. Two upper parts are called atria, and the lower ones are called ventricles.
  3. The two atria are separated from each by an inter-arteriolar septum and the right and left ventricles are separated from each other by inter-ventricular septum.
  4. The walls of the ventricles are relatively thicker than atrial walls.
  5. The largest artery is the aorta which arises from the left ventricle supplies blood to all the body parts except lungs.
  6. A pulmonary artery that arises from the right ventricle carries deoxygenated blood to lungs.
  7. The right atrium and right ventricle are connected to each other by the right atrioventricular aperture.
  8. The left atrium and left ventricle are connected to each other by the left atrioventricular aperture.
  9. Blood from the anterior parts of the body is collected by superior vena cava which opens into the right atrium.
  10. Blood from the posterior parts of the body is collected by inferior vena cava which also opens into right atrium.

5. write the difference between xylem and phloem.



 1. Transport water and mineral nutrients from roots to aerial parts of the plant.

1. Transport sugars that are synthesized in the green parts of the plant to the other parts. 

 2. Xylem occupies the centre of the vascular bundle.

2. Phloem occupies an outer side of the vascular bundle. 

 3. Xylem vessels are made up of lignin and cellulose. It comprises fibre, xylem cells, tracheids.

3. Phloem is composed of 5 types of cells. They are sieve cells, sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma.

 4. Gives mechanical strength to plants.

 4. These will not give any mechanical strength.

6. write the differences between single and double circulation.

                        Single circulation

                           Double circulation

 1. In this circulation, blood is supplied only one time to the heart.

1. In this circulation, blood is circulated two times to the heart. 

 2. Pureblood is directly circulated to the body parts from the respiratory organs.

2.  Impure blood is sent to the lunges and purified blood is sent back to the heart. Them the purified blood is sent to all the remaining parts and reaches back the heart.

 3. Example for single circulation is fished.

3. Example are Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves and Mammals.

7. What are the differences between left atrium and right atrium?

                         Right Atrium

                             Left Atrium

1. Larger in size.

1. Smaller in size. 

2. Receives blood from superior and inferior vena cava. 

2. Receives blood from the pulmonary vein.

3. Pumps blood into right ventricle.

3. Pumps blood into left ventricle. 

4. Receives deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body except lungs.

4. Receives oxygenated blood from lungs. 


4. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 4 (EXCRETION)
5. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 5 (COORDINATION)
6. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 6 (REPRODUCTION)
7. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 7 (COORDINATION IN LIFE PROCESSES)
8. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 8 (HEREDITY)
9. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 9 (OUR ENVIRONMENT)
10. AP / TS 10th class biology important questions 2020-chapter 10 (NATURAL RESOURCES)


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